Submit an article

Submissions for Die Zeitung online are accepted on a rolling basis. Not all submissions will be in the printed version. By submitting a piece, you acknowledge that your article might be posted online, printed, or both.  What to submit: opinion pieces; stories from study abroad; literature, play, or album reviews; drawings or comics; puzzles; interviews; sports journalism; recipes; historic or current event recaps; etc. Articles can be in German or in English. (Example articles: what you did in Potsdam this summer, what makes Döner great, an English translation of your favorite German poem, reviews of films from class, a drawing of your favorite site in Berlin, a recap of a recent soccer game in Germany, etc.)

Articles should pertain to German studies/German-speaking countries. We suggest that all articles should be between 150-400 words in length

Please note: All Die Zeitung submissions must be written in your own words. This excludes the use of online translators for German articles. Translations of poetry or other similar material are allowed and encouraged, so long as the translation is your original work. 

Complete the following before submitting your article: 
(1) Save the file as "Your Name Zeitung Submission" (ex: Angela Merkel Die Zeitung Submission). Google Documents are preferred
(2) Format the heading of your submission:
  • Author's name 
  • Author’s email address
  • Article title
Submit your articles via email to (Looking for ideas of what to write? Looking for grammar/vocab tips for your article? The newspaper staff can also help!)
