Kat Johnson '24 | Will Beer Pong Decide the Next German Election?

Ehren Jodler
A recent satirical Change.org petition has been shared around Germany proposing that the Christian Democratic Union party (CDU) in Germany solve their “K-Question” with a Beerpong tournament between the primary candidates.

What is the “K-Question?” The “K-Question,” or “K-Frage” in German, refers to the question of who will be the new Chancellor. The “K-Question” is normally an unimportant topic of the election cycle. However, with Angela Merkel stepping down as Chancellor, the majority party is unsure who will become the new Chancellor in the  upcoming Bundestag elections in September. The CDU must decide who will receive the nomination for Chancellor if their party wins the election.

The Change.org petition, titled, “K-Frage der Union in Bierpong Turnier klären” or in English, “Clarify the Union’s K-Question in a Beerpong Tournament” currently has over 24,000 signatures as of the writing of this article.

The petition, created by Ehren Jodler, suggests that the two main CDU candidates, Armin Laschet und Markus Söder, should battle it out in a Beerpong tournament in order to determine who is more fit to potentially become the future Chancellor of Germany. Jodler lists a number of qualities that are important in a Chancellor that should be showcased in the beer pong performance. Such traits include: Accuracy, Tactical Skill, Don’t Give In Under Pressure, Perseverance, Knowledge of Human Nature, Strong Nerves, Creativity, Quick Reactions, Ability to Work in a Team, and Values. Jodler says that Federal Chancellors must be able to be creative, which they can demonstrate through beer pong trick shots.

Jodler clearly put a lot of thought into this idea: he even writes that it is important to protect the environment, so reusable cups should be utilized. He also suggests supporting local businesses by using beer from local German breweries in the tournament.

Comments on the petition praise the hilarity of the idea and further suggest ideas for the tournament. One popular comment that received many likes states (in English): “I am signing because socially acceptable alcoholism is the most German form of problem solving.” Another popular comment suggests that German TV host and satirist, Jan Böhmermann, should moderate the theoretical tournament.

Overall, it is clear that Germans are frustrated with the current “K-Frage,” and have thought of some satirical solutions for the CDU.   
